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Quote from Kitty in Jackie Bags Hyde

Kitty: Oh, Steven, I saw what happened. Is your girlfriend okay?
Hyde: My girlfriend?
Kitty: Yeah, the- the bossy, little, mean one you're always hanging around with. Oh, uh, Jackie.
Hyde: She's not my girlfriend.
Kitty: Are you sure?
Hyde: Yes, I'm sure. I don't like her. She's shallow and rich and mean and bossy. She's everything that I hate.
Kitty: But, Steven, you hate everything.
Hyde: What's that supposed to mean?
Kitty: Well, it means that maybe you like her 'cause I kind of think you do.
Hyde: No. How could I like her? Because I don't like her. Because I can't like her. Mrs. Forman, if I like her, shoot me.
Kitty: Pow!

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