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Quote from Jackie in Leaving Home Ain't Easy

Fez: Jackie, there you are.
Jackie: What do you want, Fez?
Fez: I ran all the way here to find you. My car is in the shop. And you'll be glad to hear that they are changing the word tiny to large.
Jackie: Look, I don't care about any of this.
Fez: Jackie, wait! Look, I didn't mean all those horrible things I said. You're not ugly, you're beautiful. Even if you dumped me after a week, it'd be the best week of my life. I just want to be with you.
Jackie: Fez, you really, really hurt me. And I thought you were the one person who would never speak to me like that. You know, you're not the guy I thought you were and I don't think I could ever be with you.
Fez: But, Jackie...
Jackie: No. Goodbye, Fez. [exits]
[Red walks down the stairs]
Fez: Oh, Mr. Forman, thank God you're here. I just had my heart broken and I really need someone to talk to.
[Red walks back up the stairs]

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