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Quote from Hyde in Keep Yourself Alive

[outdoor circle:]
Hyde: Donna, you don't have to be embarrassed, man. It's over. Nobody cares. In fact, hey, let's all sing a little campfire song, all right? I'll start. [sings] Tinkle, tinkle, little star Donna wees behind a bush
Donna: I just couldn't hold it anymore. Why did I get the 48-ounce commemorative cup? Why didn't I go in the 48-ounce commemorative cup?
Randy: I'm not sure that relieving yourself in a cup would've made this any less humiliating.
Jackie: You know, this... This is why I hate the woods. Everything's a bathroom. God, it's just like Delaware.
Hyde: Oh, that reminds me of an old Delawarean folk song. [sings] Donna squatted in a bush Pee-pee, doo-doo Donna squatted in a bush Pee-pee all day long

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