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Quote from Kitty in Keep Yourself Alive

Bob: Yeah, it's too bad the kids never found your ring. But on the up side... Pork Doodles!
Kitty: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, it's my ring. It was in the car the whole time.
Bob: That's great. It's like I always say, sometimes you find things.
Red: [o.s.] Kitty.
Kitty: Red.
Red: [walks out] I just ordered you a new ring. The diamond is almost a karat, the band is white gold, the jeweler said it was the nicest one he had.
Kitty: Oh. Well, that sounds beautiful.
Red: I know it won't have all the sentimental value of the old one, but...
Kitty: ...but that ring is gone forever. [puts old ring in pocket]

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