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Quote from Fez in You're My Best Friend

Randy: Uh, Fez. I know you said all us white people look the same, but that is not Kelso.
Fez: Oh, I know what is going on here. If Kelso pulls us over, then Hyde will be suspicious. So he sent another cop to make the joke more realistic. Oh, Kelso, you beautiful genius.
Hyde: Nice job, Fez, you just got me a ticket.
Fez: Ah, starting off slow with a ticket, huh? Nice touch! I'll take that.
Hyde: Fez, what are you doing?
Police Officer: Sir, give me back that ticket before you...
Fez: Before what? It starts to snow? [rips up ticket]
Police Officer: Okay, that's it!
Fez: What are you gonna do, piggie? Throw us in jail?
[cut to the police officer closing the cell door:]
Fez: He threw us in jail.

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