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Quote from Eric in Kiss of Death

Donna: Looks pretty good, Mr. Clean.
Eric: Well, you know me. I'm... super neat.
Donna: Hey, you know, I can't find Mr. Bonkers anywhere. Have you seen him?
Eric: No! Uh, I mean... Well... Yeah, not since last night. Huh. Well...
Donna: Meow, meow, meow, meow. Killed. Meow, meow.
Eric: What?!
Donna: I said, it's weird. He always sleeps with me, but he never came home last night. Let me know if you see him, okay?
Eric: Oh... Sure thing. Will do. Okay.
Donna: Mr. Bonkers?
Eric: [to himself] Yeah, I'm goin' to hell.

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