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Quote from Jackie in Kiss of Death

Jackie: Eric, I just saw Michael kissing your sister. Okay, he's a rat! He's been cheating on me!
Eric: What? Well... Surely, there must be some kind of mistake! Right, guys? Come on.
Hyde: Well, it sure is a mind-blower.
Jackie: So that's it. Michael and I are over.
Fez: Really? And by "over" you mean...
Jackie: I mean over and done! All right? Forever.
Fez: Uh-huh. Now, by "forever" you mean...
Jackie: And after everything I put up with! I mean, God, him taking Pam Macy to the prom, setting my house on fire, lying about Laurie... God!
Hyde: To be fair, that's only the stuff you know about.

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