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Quote from Kitty in Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin')

Red: All right, salesmen, pucker up. Red Forman's ass is in the building.
Kitty: Okay, well, mine's gone. I give yours about 30 seconds.
Hyde: All right, Jackie, so let's start off looking at new tires. Then after lunch, you can help me pick out an obnoxiously loud car stereo.
Kitty: Wait, you're gonna spend the day with Jackie?
Hyde: Yeah, man. She's my chick. All right, I'm gonna go get us a funnel cake. But listen, this is a rough crowd, all right? So if any guys come up to you and offer to teach you how to drive a stick, just say no and pull the fire alarm.
Jackie: Told you he wouldn't ditch me. [giggles] I'm his chick.
Kitty: Jackie, he's a man. Accept the fact that he is not coming back. When I was in labor, Red went to get me ice chips. I didn't see him for an hour-and-a-half because he found a pinball machine.
Jackie: No way.
Kitty: But it's fine. Ha. I laugh about it now. [laughs] I do. Ha. I will. It's just not that funny.

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