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Quote from Eric in On with the Show

Jackie: What are you doing?
Eric: I'm throwing out all my comic books. I saw my future today, and, well, it's living with its mother.
Jackie: Yeah, well, I saw my future and it sweats.
Eric: Okay. Hold on. You sweat? Uh, would you happen to have a picture, some tape of this that I could laugh at?
Jackie: Eric, I tried to have my own TV show, and I failed. My life is over. I'm not good enough to be on TV.
Eric: No, Jackie. Okay, come on. You're good-looking, you're incredibly superficial and you lie constantly. I think you're perfect for TV.
Jackie: Do you really think so?
Eric: Yeah. I mean, jeez, look, at least you're doing something with your life. I have wasted an entire year.
Jackie: Eric, let me stop you right there. Okay? Since you were kind enough to cheer me up when my spirits were low, I'm gonna go. Thanks.

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