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Quote from Donna in It's All Over Now

Donna: Those women at the record store flipped when they heard the seven dirty words, especially word number four. They do not like word number four.
Eric: It was awesome, man. Uh, Sarah got fired. The station manager got in trouble, and Donna got her job back. I'm telling you, if I weren't unemployed and living with my mommy, I'd be wickedly cool.
Kelso: Well, if you'd have hit somebody in the face with a Wiffle ball bat, this would have been over hours ago.
Donna: Okay, not only did I get my job back, but I had conditions. I told Mr. Randall I'd be fully clothed at all times, and he said okay. I told him to stop demeaning women, and he said okay. And I told him to respect me for my mind and my ideas and not my looks, and he said okay.
Eric: So do you want people to stop calling you Hot Donna?
Donna: No, that makes me feel pretty.

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