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Quote from Red in The Acid Queen

Jackie: Steven, why can't you just say that Brooke's not hot? It's common relationship courtesy. If you can't do this, what will you do when I'm old and ask you if I have crow's feet around my eyes?
Hyde: By the way, that's already starting. [Jackie storms out]
Red: You've never been in a relationship, have you, son?
Hyde: What, when she asked if Brooke was hot, I should have lied and said, "No"?
Red: Being honest and screwing yourself is clearly the better plan.
Kitty: Sweetie, white lies help relationships. Like, "Kitty, even though your pot roast was overdone, "I still loved it."
Red: Oh, for the love of God, I did love it. You're a pot roast genius, okay? It was like eating gold.
Hyde: So, you're saying lying is good?
Kitty: Exactly. Now go do the right thing, and lie to the woman you love.
Hyde: Red, this is crazy, right?
Red: Yeah, they're all nuts. [to Kitty] Except you, sweetheart.

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