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Quote from Hyde in Whole Lotta Love

Kelso: I mean, sure, the first time can be awkward. Well, it wasn't for me and Jackie. You know, maybe I should tell the story. Yeah. It's a great story, Hyde.
Hyde: You know what, Kelso? It's getting real old. And the story I remember after your first time, was you didn't call her for a week.
Kelso: I was gonna skip that part.
Jackie: Wait. That's right. You didn't call me.
Hyde: Oh. That's because he was thinking about breaking up with you.
Jackie: What?
Kelso: No, I told you. I didn't call you 'cause we were having our phones cleaned!
Hyde: And then to get back on your good side he bought you a stupid stuffed unicorn.
Jackie: Fluffycakes? Fluffycakes is tainted?
Hyde: See, he wanted something from you. So he bought you a present. Sound familiar?

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