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Quote from Fez in That' 70s Musical

Fez: So, they would rather make fun of me than come here.
Kitty: Well, honey, you know, at least they're singing... like you'll be doin' real soon. [sings] Happy song. Happy song. [talks] Is there a bar here?
Fez: You know, last night they went to a party without me. A topless party.
Kitty: What?
Red: Where?
Fez: They were the first people to be nice to me when I came to America but maybe I am not their friend. Maybe I am just a goofy foreign kid.
Kitty: Well, can't you be both?
Fez: I would settle for friend, but I don't even think I am that.
Red: Well, you still got "goofy foreign kid." That's something.

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