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Quote from Eric in Donna's Story

Donna: Eric, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings but I guess I was mad when I wrote mine too. At least when I started. But once I got all that stuff off my chest, I mean, I felt better about us. More like the second half of my story.
Eric: So, uh... So what happens to Derek and Wanda?
Donna: Well, in the story, they went off on their own adventures.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's probably good for them.
Donna: Yeah, it's probably time they moved on.
Eric: Sure. Derek's gonna be fine. He's a smart guy. The wenches love him.
Donna: Yeah, well, Wanda's gonna do great too.
Eric: Oh, yeah, sure. And she'll get all the wenches she wants. Oh, my God, Donna, there's your story. "Wanda and the Dirty Wenches."
Donna: [laughs] Shut up.
Eric: I know. I know. That's a movie.

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