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Quote from Red in Battle of the Sexists

Red: [garage door opens] Well, that was pretty sad, Eric.
Eric: What?
Red: Come on, I'm going to teach you how to play basketball. We got four hours until your bedtime, and we are gonna drill, drill, drill.
Eric: But I thought that Mom needed your help.
Kitty: [o.s.] I can't hear you, Eric, I'm ironing. [hums loudly]
Red: We'll start you off with 100 squat thrusts.
Eric: Dad, we don't even know who won.
Red: She did. Now hit it. [Eric starts doing squat thrusts] One, two, three, four... [time lapse] Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. [Eric collapses on the floor] Okay. Let's play.

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