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Quote from Kelso in Battle of the Sexists

Jackie: So, Michael.
Kelso: So, Jackie. [Hyde gestures for Kelso to be strong] I didn't mean to make you hang up on me. I'm sorry. It will never happen again.
Jackie: That's okay. You were obviously under a bad influence. [looks at Hyde]
Kelso: Yeah.
Jackie: I'm thirsty. Michael, get me a pop.
[Jackie celebrates her success as she passes Hyde and Fez]
Hyde: I'm sorry. I remember saying, be a man, not be a wuss.
Fez: I am ashamed to know you.
Kelso: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. [Kelso raises his hand] All right, all those who are getting some, hands up. [Hyde and Fez remain still] Anybody else? Getting some? Hyde? Fez? Yeah.

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