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Quote from Eric in Fez Gets the Girl

Eric: Oh, hey, did you see this? They gave me a PriceMart key chain. It's got a knife and everything. Yeah, I keep it in my pocket. Some of the other guys get jealous.
Red: Look, Eric, I know you're very excited about your raise and everything, but I don't want you to get too caught up in this.
Eric: Don't worry, Dad. I'm not about to alienate my fellow employees with my award-winning work ethic. I read the signs in the break room. There's no "l" in teamwork.
Waitress: Here's your check, sir, and thank you for eating at Smiley's.
[Eric tries to grab the check]
Red: Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.
Eric: You know what, Dad? I got this.
Red: Take your hand off the check.
Waitress: I'll come back.

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