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Quote from Kelso in Sleepover

Hyde: Well, guys, I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I got a job.
Kelso: Yeah. I'm thinking about getting a job at a chip factory. I gotta know how they do this.
Eric: Yeah. Red won't let me get a job. He says if I don't study hard and get into college, once I turn 18, he's gonna kill me. [chuckles] I think he's serious, man.
Fez: Hyde, did you ever stop to think how you working would make me go to the mall alone today? You didn't think, did you?
Hyde: No. Sorry. Hey, guys, check this out, man. Forman had Donna in his bed last night, and he didn't even do it. [laughs] What's up?
Kelso: [laughs] You're a bonehead, man.
Eric: I'm not a bonehead. I mean, we did other stuff, and we cuddled. It was great.
Fez: Sometimes when I'm alone, I just love to cuddle.
Hyde: Forman, look, she climbed up the trellis of your house, through your window, to get into bed with you and cuddle? Sorry, man. I never read that letter in Penthouse.
Kelso: Those stories are true, you know. Why would you just cuddle with her when you could do it? I mean, Forman, doing it is "it." That's why they call it "it". "It!"
Eric: Guys, it was just one night. There are gonna be lots of other nights.
Fez: Eric, opportunity does not knock and then ring the doorbell and then knock again, and then leave a note that says, "Sorry I missed you". And then call you on the phone...
Hyde: Yeah, yeah. We get it, Fez. I mean, we get it. What my foreign friend here is trying to say, Forman, is that you blew it, man. And you blew it, man.
Kelso: I'm losing my patience with you, man. You gotta get with her. There's nothing more beautiful than when two people fit together perfectly like... Well, like two of these potato... How do they do this?

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