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Quote from Red in Ski Trip

Red: Kitty, this can't just be about me and Lyn Taylor. What's really bothering you?
Kitty: Okay. I just want to know why not me?
Red: Why not you what? I married you.
Kitty: Yeah, but when we were dating, you just sat there. You held my hand politely. Didn't you think that I might enjoy a passionate manhandling in a public place?
Red: Well, I respected you. I'm an old-fashioned guy. I don't think that you should grope and maul the one you love. Until you get to Florida... at the Fontainebleau with the door locked and a carton of cigarettes.
Kitty: Oh, Red, our honeymoon. [they kiss]
Red: Let's go upstairs.
Kitty: No. Let's go to the movies.

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