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Quote from Kitty in Battle of the Sexists

Red: I think we got it.
Kitty: That's lovely, Red.
Red: Solid as a rock.
Kitty: It sure is. Thank you. Now...
[Kitty cautiously places a pitcher of orange juice and glass on the table, she watches them closing as she steps back towards the kitchen counter.]
Kitty: Why don't you go watch TV, while I get lunch ready?
[After she puts a large melon on the table, Kitty is afraid to let her hand go and instead tries to stretch to reach something from the counter with her other hand.]
Red: Kitty, take your hand off of that melon.
Kitty: You know, you haven't gone fishing...
Red: Kitty, take your hand off that melon.
[After Kitty removes her hand, the melon rolls straight off the table onto the floor]

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