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Quote from Hyde in Love of My Life

William Barnett: Look, I wanted to come here personally to tell you the big news. I'm giving you this store. Yes, you're the proud owner of the last remaining Grooves.
Hyde: Holy crap, I own this place?
William Barnett: Yep. You can even rename it something more appropriate to this lily-white community. You can call it Rhythmless or Snap at the Wrong Time.
Hyde: Wow, man! It's, like, the nicest thing any one of my dads has ever done for me. You know, it just goes to show you, if you sit on your ass long enough, good stuff will happen.
Hyde: Yup! That is some good stuff.
Leo: I've missed you, Hyde. Just like they always say, "Hey, Leo, how's it going?"
William Barnett: Son, if this is how you're going to run this store now that it's yours, I got to tell you, I'm going to be stopping by a lot more often.

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