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Quote from Donna in You're My Best Friend

Donna: Okay, you both made some really good points. But now I think we should sit down and talk like intelligent adults.
Donna: My Trans-Am is gonna be orange with wings and wheels made of fire. And when you slam on the brakes, a parachute shoots out of the back with my picture on it and I'm flippin' you off!
Jackie: Donna, this party was such a good idea. You know what I love? Watching this airhead stripper wasting away her last remaining brain cells.
Samantha: You know what I love? Your old boyfriend!
Jackie: Wait, I just realized something. I think I hate you!
Samantha: That's so lucky, because I hate you, too!
Jackie: But, I'm gonna put up with you for Donna's sake. 'Cause she doesn't have very many friends!
Donna: That's not true, Jackie. I have a ton of friends. There's... [time lapse] Oh, there's that one girl who... [chuckles] No! [time lapse] [Donna snores and falls off her chair]

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