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Quote from Red in Can't You Hear Me Knocking

Kitty: Now, now, Red, you were happy, remember?
Red: Right. First freeze of winter, I'm spending the day ice fishing.
Kitty: Well, I'll come with you. Grab a fishing stick for me. [chuckles]
Red: I don't wanna go.
Kitty: What? Why not?
Red: Because I don't want you to go.
Kelso: [cocks imaginary gun] Burn!
Red: Really, I mean, Kitty, you'd hate it. It's cold and boring, and we both know the only ice you like is in your cocktails. [Kelso cocks imaginary gun again]
Kitty: Nonsense. We're going ice fishing, and we're gonna have fun, and that's that.
Red: Yeah. That's that.

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