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Quote from Fez in Mother's Little Helper

Fez: [enters] You guys aren't going to believe this! Wait. Were two hot girls just fighting in here?
Donna: No.
Fez: Someone is lying. Anyway. I was just shampooing this foxy girl, Danielle, and the next thing I know, we're making out in the shampoo closet.
Hyde: Wait a second. You're trying to tell me that you were shampooing a girl and she got so horny, she had to make out with you in the shampoo closet? That doesn't sound real, man. That sounds like a Mad Lib.
Eric: Yeah, are you sure you weren't just kissing a mop? 'Cause, man, I've seen you do that.
Fez: No, no. Danielle kept going on and on about this adorable knucklehead she was dating, and I just sympathized with her problems.

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