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Quote from Donna in Rip This Joint

Eric: Okay, guys, I've been thinking about this trenching thing, and it's a little boring, but I think I figured out a way to Formanize it.
Jackie: You mean make it more boring?
Eric: No, I don't. I mean, I'm gonna get out of the car, moon Old Man Shinsky and then trench the yard. That's right, you've all now been witness to the invention of the moon and trench.
Donna: I don't know, Eric. It seems risky. I mean, you're not fast, you're uncoordinated and you're easily tripped. I mean, if you get out of the car, you're a dead man.
Kelso: No, no, no. Not with me backing him up as his first lieutenant.
Eric: Oh, um, actually, you're not my first lieutenant. Donna's my first lieutenant.
Donna: I went from fiancee to first lieutenant? What a year!

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