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Quote from Eric in (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

Eric: God, I can't believe Red bought the muffler shop. All right, that's it, new Eric's out, old Eric's back. I should probably just go upstairs and think about what I've done.
Donna: Come on. You can't turn back now. You're like an explorer discovering a new you. When Columbus discovered America instead of the West Indies, did he go to his room? No, he waded into Mexico and stole all of their gold.
Eric: Okay, I'm not following.
Donna: I think it's hot when you do naughty stuff and I want you to keep doing it.
Eric: You know what? It is hot. I'm not gonna let Red bully me out of it. I mean, how often was I hot before?
Donna: Almost never, right?
Eric: But now I am hot and hot I will stay. Let's celebrate.
Donna: One of Red's beers?
Eric: There's a new sheriff in town, little lady.

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