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Quote from Eric in (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

Red: What the hell is wrong with your muffler?
Eric: I didn't notice anything. Maybe I was too busy enjoying my morning ice cream. That's right, my morning ice cream. Part of my new "year off" philosophy, I want a treat, I get a treat.
Donna: We haven't even had lunch yet. Eric never eats dessert before a meal. He used to say, "When I finish my peas, I can eat what I please."
Kitty: [giggles] I taught him that. I also taught him, "Eat your asparagus or people will stare at us." It's not true but he was little.
Red: Good Lord, is that bubblegum ice cream?
Eric: Well, it's not simply bubblegum ice cream, it's frosty double-bubble blast-off.
Red: Why are you with him?
Donna: I find him whimsical.
Kitty: So do I.
Eric: Isn't that nice? They find me whimsical.

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