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Quote from Donna in The Seeker

Hyde: Look, man, I mean, I know you're mad, but, you know, Forman was trying to do the right thing. He just did it in the wrong way.
Donna: Yeah, but, Hyde, I don't care why he did it. I mean, I can't ever forgive him. When I called my mom, I just cried and cried.
Hyde: Really? I can't see you crying. I've seen Forman crying. He does a lot of, "Shut up! I'm not crying." [chuckles]
Donna: I want to be mad. Don't make me laugh.
[As Donna playfully shoves Hyde, he falls off the water tower]
Donna: Oh, my God! Hyde, are you okay?
Hyde: [o.s.] I'm too old for this crap!
Donna: Why am I stronger than all the guys I hang out with?

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