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Quote from Hyde in Going Mobile

Hyde: So who's gonna be your best man?
Eric: Oh, you know what? Why don't you guys just decide who my best man is?
Hyde: Whoa, you want us to choose? Well, if that's not an invitation to dress a dog up in a tuxedo, I don't know what is.
Kelso: All right. If anyone should be the best man, it's me. I'm gonna be a father, so I really need the money.
Hyde: You don't get paid to be the best man. You do it for the satisfaction of nailing the hottest bridesmaid. It's in the Bible.
Kelso: Well, I can't do that, 'cause I'm bringing Brooke. Yeah, we're getting pretty serious.
Hyde: Girls, man. You get them pregnant, they get all clingy.

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