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Quote from Jackie in Happy Jack

Jackie: So, that is all for the pictures of my mom in Cancun when she abandoned me. Now let's move on to my mom in Acapulco, when she abandoned me.
Donna: God, I cannot believe how good your mom looks in a bikini. I mean, she's approaching, like, "me" territory.
Eric: Isn't the bikini a marvelous invention? Imagine the first Aztec who said, "I just gotta see some more belly button," you know? Yeah, the Mexicans are such a resourceful people.
Jackie: Eric, don't be so stupid. Everyone knows the French invented the bikini. The Mexicans just added on the top 'cause they're Catholic.
Eric: Another good example of religion dividing instead of uniting. Does anyone want a soda?
Donna: Yeah.
Jackie: Please.
Eric: And FYI, if God wanted Mexican women to wear tops, he wouldn't have created tequila.

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