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Quote from Fez in Won't Get Fooled Again

Fez: Hey, guys. Ooh, what stinks out here? It must be this big, girl-stealing turd.
Kelso: All right, that's it. Let's go.
Fez: Oh, I will slap you silly.
Jackie: Oh! Stop.
Hyde: Hey, look, Jackie's right, all right? If you guys are gonna fight, let's go inside where there's more stuff to hit your head on.
Eric: Come on, you guys, lots of couples fight, but there's an easy way to fix this. Just decide which one of you is the woman, and the other one just apologize.
Fez: No, I don't wanna make up with Kelso. I wanna make fun of Kelso. Hey, guys, what's up with Kelso? Stupid.
Kelso: Hey, guys, what's up with Fez? Foreign.
Eric: Okay, you guys, this is getting pretty lame. Let's split into two groups.
Fez: Good idea. Boys and girls. Let's go, Jackie.

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