Amy Quote #532

Quote from Amy in Shoplifter Rehab

Amy: Um, hey, Dave.
Bo: Oh, what up, Amy?
Amy: What up, Dave, is that I asked you hours ago to assemble the Turtle Wax endcap, and it's still not done.
Bo: Oh, actually, I was gonna tell you...
Amy: No, I don't wanna hear any of your excuses. You know what? This is your third strike this month. I made up my mind. I'm gonna have to let you go. I'm so sorry you have to witness this, Maya.
Maya: No, please, these are your employees.
Bo: Yeah, I was gonna say I did that endcap a while ago. I set it up in the breezeway, you know, more foot traffic and et ceteras.
Amy: Wow, um... uh... wow. I'm... I'm just stunned, because this is isn't what we agreed upon, Dave.
Bo: Yeah, well, I was thinking about something Cheyenne said, and I figured, like, if I did a really good job, then it wouldn't really make sense to fire me, because that would be, like, bad management. Know what I'm saying? So, uh, guess I still work here. Maybe I can pick up a few extra shifts.
Amy: No. No, no, no. I already said that you're fired. And... and... and what I say goes, and I'm a... I'm a woman of my word. So... so all of those things put together means you're fired.
Bo: Aw, man. Cheyenne was right. I'm a screwup. I'm just a dumb, useless butt.
Maya: No, Dave, no. No, no, no. No, nobody is getting fired today, all right?
Bo: Really?
Maya: Yes. Amy, why don't you and I go have lunch?


 ‘Shoplifter Rehab’ Quotes

Quote from Amy

Jonah: I oversold it, didn't I? I always do that. I should have just said, "It's a good show. Maybe you'll like it."
Amy: It just made me uncomfortable. I already have enough trouble as a working mom. I don't need to feel bad that I'm not also a KGB agent.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Amy and I combined Spotify accounts last night. It just felt like time, you know?
Garrett: Wow, big step. I'm surprised you weren't worried about ruining your personalized recommendations.
Jonah: Oh, good God.

Quote from Amy

Maya: Also, did you know that your pug-a-day calendar is a week ahead?
Amy: Yeah, I get curious.