Jonah Quote #484

Quote from Jonah in Zephra Cares

Jonah: Ooh, I didn't know we carried aged balsamic. Nice.
Judy: Oh, yeah, it's great. I make a reduction and I drizzle it over vanilla ice cream.
Jonah: Ah, that sounds amazing! Are you, like, a culinary student, or...
Judy: Oh. [chuckles] Haven't been a student of anything for a couple decades.
Jonah: Ah, you could've fooled me. [both chuckle]
Sandra: [laughs] Your total is $36.48. Would you like to round up to $37 today for Holloway House Women's Shelter?
Judy: Oh, yeah, sure.
Jonah: Thank you so much. It's for a great cause. All right. Thank you.


 ‘Zephra Cares’ Quotes

Quote from Jonah

Amy: I don't know. I- I don't know how to brag about myself. It feels gross, and now I'm supposed to take a charity and make it all about me.
Jonah: Hey, you took their empty slogan and did something actually great with it. You deserve to brag a little bit. I think you should be on all the websites. I mean, except for the incel ones. And most of Reddit. 4chan, 8chan... I hope you're never on a website.

Quote from Garrett

Dina: Garrett, you're only giving packages to people with wristbands.
Glenn: Wait, so we're just gonna turn people away 'cause they don't have a wristband?
Garrett: So for all intensive purposes, people in need without a wristband are dead to us.
Dina: "Intensive purposes?" Did you mean "intents and purposes?"
Garrett: I mean, you could say it both ways.
Dina: [chuckles] You can, but one way makes you sound like an idiot. You're lucky you're pretty.
Garrett: All right, you know what? I know what it... You're lucky I'm pretty!

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: Well, I read Zephra does blood diamonds.
Jonah: What do you mean by "does?"
Cheyenne: Uh, I don't know. I didn't click on it.