Amy Quote #71

Quote from Amy in Labor

Amy: I'm sorry, were you not at that extremely long and early meeting this morning?
Jonah: Yeah, I was, and all it did was confirm that nothing is gonna change around here unless we change it. If you want to help Cheyenne, this is the way to do it.
Amy: No, this is stupid.
Jonah: It's worth a shot.
Amy: No. That's what you said about calling corporate in the first place. Not everything is worth a shot.
Jonah: I'm sorry. I'm not the kind of person who just stands by doing nothing while people around me need help.
Amy: Oh. Okay. Yeah, I get it. You have an image of your head of leading all the workers out in some dramatic walkout, and you're gonna bring down the man. But let me tell you something. Real people's jobs are at stake.
Jonah: I am so sick and tired of being painted as the stupid idealist while you get to be the smart, pragmatic one.
Amy: I'm not saying you're stupid. I'm saying you don't know how the real world works.
Jonah: There's a difference between not knowing how the real world works and not having the guts to do something about it.


 ‘Labor’ Quotes

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, shoppers. Is there a doctor in the... Who am I kidding? This is Cloud 9. Anybody here watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy? Maybe Nurse Jackie? Not The Knick.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Am I looking weak to you?
Garrett: "Hey, Garrett, how was your day?" That's how normal people start a conversation.
Dina: When I was management, I had power. Why did I give that up? We were number one in shrink reduction and last in employee satisfaction. I did that. Now the world just seems dull or something.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: You're not gonna have the baby in the store. You have plenty of time, Chey.
Jonah: And it could be false labor. You know? That's called a Braxton Hicks contraction.
Amy: This baby is not gonna be born in Cloud 9.
Jonah: Maybe it's Braxton Hicks.
Amy: Okay, we get it. You know the term Braxton Hicks. We're all very impressed.