Dina Quote #14

Quote from Dina in Mannequin

Dina: What if it was just for a pap smear? Could I get a ride for that? They recommend one a year, but I like to go extra. [slaps nether regions] Make sure everything's up to code.
Glenn: Okay. I'm just gonna say it. I'm fine with you driving your coworkers anywhere except the abortion clinic.
Dina: Damn it, Glenn, you cannot talk about your personal feelings on abortion in the workplace.
Glenn: I didn't bring up abortion.
Dina: Oh, keep tempting me.
Glenn: He did!
Dina: You are begging me to...
Glenn: I am allowed to say the word.
Dina: I will write you up so hard!
Glenn: Abortion! Abortion!
Dina: I'm recording this entire conversation.
Glenn: Abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion!
Dina: Thank you very much. You dug your own grave.


 ‘Mannequin’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Glenn: [holds doll] I love you, Mommy.
Dina: Yah! [knocks doll to the ground]
Glenn: Ha! So that's what you would do if your baby cried, huh?
Dina: Oh, I guess you've heard I'll be raising Cheyenne's child.
Glenn: Oh, the "H" you will. You don't know the first thing about babies. Do you even know how to swaddle?
Dina: I used to work part-time at Chipotle. Same principle as a burrito. Different wrapper and different fillings.

Quote from Jonah

[The "Jonah mannequin" is sitting in the banana display holding an incorrectly peeled banana in each hand]
Garrett: You baited the bear, huh?
Jonah: It's fine. I think it's funny. It's fine. I'm fine. This is fine.
Man: Why is he holding the bananas wrong?
Jonah: It's humans that hold them wrong!

Quote from Garrett

Amy: Garrett, finish the shift assignments. I love today. [exits]
Garrett: I mean, I could do the shift assignments, or I could finish eating my mac and cheese. I wonder what I'll do.