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Quote from Sandra in Floor Supervisor

Garrett: Tony is in the store, and he would like me to open up the condom case.
Sandra: Jerry and I knew this day would come.
Garrett: Yes, ever since you very recently adopted him.
Sandra: Well, I guess it's good that he's being safe. You can open it.
Garrett: Okay.
Sandra: And actually, maybe you could talk to him about sex and stuff.
Garrett: Yeah, no, I'm not gonna do that.
Sandra: Oh, please, Garrett? I just wanna make sure he's really ready and he's doing it for the right reasons. You know how teenage boys don't wanna talk to their moms. And Jerry tried, but he's so sexually specific.
Garrett: Look, I'll open the case 'cause that's my job, but that's it. And by specific do you mean anatomically? You know what? I don't wanna know.

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