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Quote from Dina in California (Part 2)

Amy: How's the search going?
Dina: Eh, kinda striking out. I'm staring down the barrel of Sandra right now, so I think I may have to resort to the night shift.
Amy: Yikes.
Dina: How are you doing? The whole Jonah thing?
Amy: Feels pretty bad. But also not wrong, so... I'll miss him. I'll miss you.
Dina: Yeah. You know, the harder I try to replace you, the more I realize that, uh, maybe you're not replaceable. I don't know. I'm probably wrong. Yeah, just tired or something.
Amy: That's... That's probably it.
Dina: Yeah, I mean, we're still gonna see each other. Sure, I mean, I'm never going to California, but we can meet in Fort Collins.
Amy: It's a deal.

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