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Quote from Cheyenne in Essential

Cheyenne: Oh, sorry. We're limiting toilet paper to one pack per household.
Woman: My kids have separate households.
Cheyenne: [scoffs] There's, like, no way that baby has its own household. This is so unfair!
Sandra: I know, there's never any left for us to buy at the end of the shift.
Cheyenne: Bo and I have had to start using newspaper. The ink's starting to turn our butts weird colors. Which is cool, but probably not healthy.
Sandra: What if we... set a pack aside somewhere, out of sight, then at the end of the day, we split it?
Cheyenne: Oh, man. We totally should. And it's not like we're stealing. We're still gonna pay for it.
Sandra: Of course.
Cheyenne: You know what? Maybe we should also put aside some Dinosaur mac and cheese. Bo's really into science right now.

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