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Quote from Sandra in Customer Safari

Dina: Hey, Sandra. Just wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend, Brian.
Sandra: Brian the vet. So nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you.
Brian: Well, one thing I bet you haven't heard is that I'm also a veterinarian. I'm sorry, you just said that.
Dina: Listen, I've got a vet and you've got a messed-up cat. Maybe we could help each other out, 'cause I need to know what's going on. What's with all the phones and the sneaking around?
Sandra: Dina, please, I can't say. I don't wanna get anyone in trouble. Brett just let me follow him on Instagram.
Dina: Okay, well, it's a shame you won't help us 'cause this guy loves doing feline lumpectomies. And refresh my memory, does Biscuit have lumps?
Sandra: So many. It's like holding a bag of marbles.
Brian: Well, I'd be happy to smooth that cat out for you. Free of charge, of course.
Dina: Of course.
Sandra: Okay. Fine. But I'm only giving you this. White board, warehouse. Secret photos, customers, game, $200 prize. But that's all I can say.

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