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Quote from Cheyenne in Carol's Back

Jonah: I... I don't know how to convince him to trust me.
Cheyenne: Maybe you need to show him. Like, what if you went and blocked the door or something?
Jonah: Well, we can't, because the permit says you can't cross the street.
Cheyenne: See, like that. Only a narc would care about a permit.
Jonah: You're right. You're right. I'm gonna... I'm gonna show him.
Cheyenne: Oh, wait. Actually, Jonah, can you get me a salami sandwich?
Tommy: Oh. What's he doing over there? We're not supposed to cross the street.
Cheyenne: Right? Yeah, he has, like, no respect for the permit.
Jonah: Hi. Hi. Did you know that the average Gateway Subs employee lives right at the poverty line while last year the CEO made $47 million?
Man: Wow, good for him.
Jonah: No, no, no, no, it's just... Uh, um... Look, uh, if you eat your lunch somewhere else, I will give you $10.
Man: Okay. All right.
Jonah: Talked him out of it. Narc wouldn't do that. Non-narc in the house.

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