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Quote from Dina in Favoritism

Dina: What the hell is all this?
Sandra: Um, it's the display for the new Zephra products.
Dina: Yeah, it's also a shoplifter's paradise. Nothing's locked down. This phone, swipe. This tablet, swipe. This... I don't know what that is.
Sandra: It's a digital picture frame. It has Wi-Fi, so you can upload right from your phone.
Dina: Really? Cool. Anyway, swipe. Look, this is the most expensive merch in the store. I can't have Zephra thinking I'm running a buffet for thieves.
Sandra: Right, but, um... It's actually Glenn's idea and he's Floor Supervisor now, so maybe I should ask him.
Dina: The only thing you need to ask Glenn is how a man manages to make it to 60 without hitting puberty. This is my domain, and I say take it down.
Sandra: Did you also want me to ask about the puberty?

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