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Quote from Sandra in Myrtle

Howard: [answers phone] Hello?
Sandra: Uh, this is Sandra Johnson. I work with your daughter Dina at Cloud 9, and I just wanted to tell you that Dina... passed away.
Howard: What?
Sandra: Yeah, I'm sorry. She's dead.
Howard: Oh, God. [cries]
Sandra: Actually, she's not dead.
Howard: What?
Sandra: Nope. She's dying.
Dina: [whispers] Dead. Fully dead.
Sandra: The doctor said she stabilized and she might pull through. [Dina kicks the chairs] But I think they were just trying to be nice. They seemed like liars.
Howard: I'm sorry, what are you...
Dina: [hangs up] Damn it, Sandra. If you can't even convince my dad I'm dead, what the hell can you do?

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