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Quote from Dina in Toy Drive

Dina: Save it. I'm not here to donate. My manager informed me that you may be in violation of our solicitor guidelines.
Kyle: Oh, I am very familiar with your guidelines. No signage larger than 11x18. I am 10 feet from the entrance. And a certificate from my organization, which I've had notarized just in case.
Dina: Ooh, notarized. You mind if I touch the seal?
Kyle: Please, that's what it's there for. [Dina whistles] Mm-hmm, you're telling me.
Dina: Huh, okay, well, you don't appear to be in any dress code violation, no gang colors, no visible swastifications, and I see you've got multiple layers in case of a temperature swing.
Kyle: Oh, well, yeah, you know, St. Louis. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.
Dina: [laughs] Nice. "Wait five minutes." Yeah, that's well put. It's true. It's a true thing. You know what? [donates]
Kyle: Wow, thank you so much.
Dina: I have really good vision. I find, like, $8 a day. It's no big deal. "Wait five minutes." [chuckles]

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