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Quote from Amy in Shoplifter Rehab

Amy: Next rule, always clock in on time.
Russell: What if on your way to work, you see a plane crash and need to stop to pull passengers from the wreckage?
Amy: Um, if on your way in, you see a plane crash, then you can be late.
Cheyenne: Oh, but what about a train crash?
Amy: Um, any of the crashes. All right, we're moving on.
Marcus: Well, what if it's a fender bender where someone could have been hurt?
Jonah: Okay, Marcus, I'm sure they're fine. We should probably keep going.
Marcus: But what if they're not? What if they have a baby in the back and it's, like, loose and it's rolling around like a volleyball?
Amy: All right, that's it. I'm writing you up for insubordination.
Marcus: I get written up for that, but Russell can smoke pot in the garden center?
Amy: What? Well, I didn't know that was happening, so now that I do, I'm gonna write him up.

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