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Quote from Mateo in Mall Closing

Jonah: Hey, Mateo. Mateo, come here. Settle something for us. So I just said that Cher has obviously never won a Grammy, and Garrett is saying that she has.
Mateo: I'm sorry, the goddess Cher, as in Cherilyn Sarkisian?
Jonah: I assume. I swear she's never won one, and I will bet you 50 bucks I'm right.
Garrett: Okay.
Mateo: I want in on this. Cher absolutely has a Grammy.
Jonah: Okay, get ready to lose 50 bucks. [chuckles]
Mateo: Although, 50 is a lot, and Jonah seems so sure. Uh... Oh, God. Maybe Cher doesn't have a Grammy. That's why she still works so hard and keeps it so tight.
Garrett: Don't overthink it, Mateo.
Jonah: Oh, you know what? I just remembered "Believe"... That one was a bop. I might be wrong.
Mateo: Okay, stop second-guessing yourself, Jonah.
Jonah: But you just said...
Mateo: I'm in. 50 bucks, no Grammy.
Garrett: Oh, um, uh, okay. Um...
Mateo: And Cher has...
Garrett: One Grammy.
Jonah: For "Believe."
Mateo: Damn it. I needed that money. Oh, my God... I snubbed Cher. I didn't believe.

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