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Quote from Sandra in Forced Hire

Jonah: Okay, these are all great points, just not for a union meeting, which this was actually supposed to be.
Justine: So have you guys set a date yet?
Sandra: Almost. It's either gonna be the anniversary of our first kiss or whatever the cheapest option is.
Jonah: You know, Sandra, you seem to have a lot going on right now and I'm wondering if maybe I should take the reins on this whole union thing for a little bit.
Sandra: Yes, thank you. I'm doing a lot of wedding planning this week and also I'm going through all the Fast & Furious movies, so I have a lot on my plate.
Jonah: Got it. Yeah.
Sandra: Here are the signed cards and, FYI, the warehouse guys took theirs back.
Jonah: Wait, what? Why?
Sandra: I don't know, but Rico has beautiful penmanship. He agreed to do all of my invitations.

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