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Quote from Marcus in Forced Hire

Jonah: So, talking points. When you talk to the guys about health care, I was thinking...
Marcus: Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude. You can't just tell me what to say and then I go and I say it.
Jonah: Really? I thought we might try that.
Marcus: No, you gotta find my voice, so when I say it, it sounds natural. And that means... a little getting to know you period.
Jonah: Okay, great. Uh, totally. So, what should I know?
Marcus: Well, for starters, do you like this song? [rock music plays]
Jonah: Yeah... yes?
Marcus: Noice! Dude, that's my band. It's actually just me right now, but we're looking to fill out the lineup. Or... maybe we're not looking anymore?

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