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Quote from Dina in Sandra's Fight

Amy: It's not like we're crushing a movement. We're just trying to...
Dina: Send her a message?
Amy: That sounds like we're breaking her legs. We just want to...
Dina: Neutralize the threat. Uh, get rid of the problem. Uh, let her know she's messing with the wrong people.
Amy: Something in that ballpark.
Jonah: It just feels like a red flag that everything you say makes us sound like villains.
Amy: Look, we're just trying to stop one lonely desperate lunatic from running her mouth and costing everybody their jobs.
Dina: We're the good guys.
Jonah: I guess.
Dina: We just want Sandra to do what's best for her fellow workers. Or else. [off Amy's look] As soon as I said it, I heard it. It's- It's a problem.

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