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Quote from Amy in Sandra's Fight

Amy: We're still short-staffed so if you happen to be walking through the parking lot at night and there's a loose cart, maybe just grab it and stick it in the corral. Gotta round up those doggies, yee-haw...
Garrett: That's the saddest "yee-haw" I've ever heard.
Amy: Yeah, I- I bailed on it. Carol?
Carol: I hate to even bring this up, but should Sandra be here? I thought she was fired.
Amy: Yes. She was. Until she started talking about unions.
Dina: Apparently firing someone for trying to unionize is considered retaliation. I would accompany that statement with a vigorous jerking-back-and-forth hand gesture, but that's also prohibited.
Amy: Okay. Now for the rest of you cowpokes, let's saddle up and git!
Garrett: Oof.
Mateo: The Western thing is just not in your wheelhouse.

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