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Quote from Jonah in Scanners

Garrett: All right, guys, it's dodgeball rules, which means if you're hit, you're eliminated. First team to eliminate the other team wins. Any questions?
Cheyenne: Uh, yeah, did Jonah put all the white people on one team on purpose?
Jonah: Oh, um, no. That was just an accident.
Mateo: Oh, a happy accident?
Jonah: I never said happy.
Earl: I heard you say happy.
Sandra: I think these teams are fine.
Carol: No one asked what you think, Sandra.
Cheyenne: Oh, my God. Can we just play?
Jonah: Yes, thank you. Okay, two minute grace period to disperse, and then the game begins. Good luck.
Myrtle: Let's go, white people!

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